Ranks / Rarity
Last updated
Last updated
Rank is one of the parameters that determine player rewards. There is a hierarchy of Ranks that starts from the Free Rank, which is the lowest one and ascends up to the highest one — the Diamond Rank.
Rank Free can be minted in the app with no charge
. This mechanism will allow IguVerse to onboard a lot of Web2 users. The Free Rank will earn significantly lower rewards and have a lot of limitations. The user is able to mint only one free NFT. Rank Free is not on the blockchain and can not be transferred between accounts.
Mint price: 0
Max. possible daily reward: 30/45 IGUP
Mint price: $90
Max. possible daily reward: 150 IGUP
Mint price: $150
Max. possible daily reward: 300 IGUP
Mint price: $300
Max. possible daily reward: 630 IGUP
Mint price: $450
Max. possible daily reward: 963IGUP
Mint price: $900
Max. possible daily reward: 1896.3 IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 2889.6IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 4189.2IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 5218.8 IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 5921.99IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 7185IGUP
Mint price: tba
Max. possible daily rewards: 8637 IGUP
We are working closely with game economy specialists to calculate mint prices and rewards for the IguVerse ecosystem.